REVIEW - Vegas S01E06-07

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C’mon Vegas, throw us something we can really sink our teeth into! Thus far, Vegas seems to have been resting on its laurels – exceptional styling, spot-on sets and A-list veterans. For those of us still hanging on, ignoring the inconsistent direction and lazy characterisation, you’ll be happy to know these two episodes have some promise to their premise.

In Episode 6, ‘ The Real Thing’, Lamb and Savino call an apprehensive truce as they hunt for those behind the fraudulent-chip caper and subsequent murder.

Mayor Bennett is still making things difficult for the casinos, so Savino readys a ‘better’ candidate with the help of his wife.

One to watch in terms of storyline, Savino’s wife is befriended by Katherine in an attempt to get another angle of goings on. We’re not sure how long this friendship will last.

As mentioned previously, Quaid and Chiklis really shine when onscreen together; in Episode 8, ‘Bad Seeds’, they share the spotlight. The Milwaukee mob sends creepy hit-man Jones to take out Savino in retaliation for the murder of two of their men, so Lamb takes him to his ranch for protection. Things don’t go quite as planned.

In this episode, Savino is taken out to the desert to die; Angelo and Rizzo need to make amends for the two Milwaukee deaths. Despite Lamb’s best efforts, is this already the end for Savino?

Oh, and what’s up with that little something-something going on between Jack and Mia? We don’t know where it came from but it could add some intrigue to the show, aside from the requisite CIA-style ‘murder of the week’.

There’s a change coming. (Now isn’t that the kind of thing Lamb would rasp say?)

Review by Catherine Jones


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