best way to describe this week's episode of Teen
Wolf is
underwhelming. It was entertaining enough as I was watching it but
when the credits started rolling I found myself wondering what the
point was. The performances were moving and the direction was solid
but most of the story consisted of boring clichés that's sole
purpose was to deliver exposition.
"Visionary" involves two of Teen Wolf's biggest bads reminiscing about an unknown period in the past (I say unknown because we have no idea when these events took place). There are two stories, one is about Derek's tragic first love and the other is the events that led up to big bad Alpha Deucalion's blinding. There are a couple very unsubtle hints to the season mystery but otherwise this episode was mostly filler.
have to admit that I am not a fan of flashback episodes, they are
generally lazy and very rarely add anything of substance to the
actual story. And that's a pretty good description of this episode.
My guess is they needed to give the lead actor's a bit of a break so
they headed into the past for two of the most cliché origin stories
Deucalion - who is this season's big bad - was just like Scott, idealistic and naive, until Gerard Argent betrayed and blinded him during a peace summit. Giving the villain and the hero similar beginnings is a staple of pretty much ever hero's journey. It's fairly predictable and doesn't really add much to Scott's character arc but it's not as bad as what they did to Derek.
Deucalion - who is this season's big bad - was just like Scott, idealistic and naive, until Gerard Argent betrayed and blinded him during a peace summit. Giving the villain and the hero similar beginnings is a staple of pretty much ever hero's journey. It's fairly predictable and doesn't really add much to Scott's character arc but it's not as bad as what they did to Derek.
Derek had a really interesting origin story. He's your classic anti-hero but his tragic back-story was essentially a rape narrative (whether you want to read it literally or metaphorically). Presenting a classically masculine character as a rape survivor was one of the most interesting things Teen Wolf has ever done. With this week's episode they pushed that aside to tack on the most cliché white hero origin story ever.
A jock jerk falls for the quirky outsider, she sees through his arrogant exterior but it all ends tragically when she dies in a way that is either directly or indirectly the jerk jocks fault. He then carries her death with him as the basis for his heroic manpain. If that sounds familiar that's because it is. That is the origin of pretty much every white male hero ever (occasionally it's his mother or his sister).
It doesn't matter whether this storyline has a greater significance, it's still awful and frankly I expected better from Teen Wolf, although I don't know why. I'm starting to hope that all the people that have died for Derek's manpain band together in the afterlife to kill Derek so that no more innocent women and POC are harmed in the name of mangst.
Anyway, next week it's back to the actual story and again they promise answers, yeah I'll believe that when I see it.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
This week's episode had a lot of confusion and twists that I'm not sure the audience would really appreciate. With Burke now being gone, Michael is clinging to Sonya as his only chance of completing his mission and keeping his loved ones out of incarceration, and the CIA are following right in suit, doing anything neccessary by any means in order to keep the mission alive. This desparation leads the CIA to blackmailing Fiona into helping with the mission, as they cannot deny her skills. When Michael hears that Fi is being forced into this mission, he refuses to let it happen in a desparate attempt to keep his promise to her, however, the CIA couldn't really care less about his personal morals and override his decision.
This leads to Michael and Fi working as a team together back in Miami, which gives a sense of home to the audience. It begins to feel as though nothing has happened and everything is as it was between Michael and Fiona, however, Fiona constantly gives Michael very clear messages that the past is the past, and once she has dealt with it, she is gone. This constant reminder of Fi and Michael's failed relationship kills a little more hope of their revival within the audience, however, I for one know I am not giving up on them.
The storyline takes an unexpected turn as Sam, Jesse, Michael and Fi end up doing Sonya's dirty work. The job requires taking down some big time criminal hackers, which makes it seem right, like it is one of Michael's jobs he used to do as a favour for those in need, however, it is for Sonya's selfish reasons, who is a highly wanted criminal herself.
As Fi is recently single, and she begins to work with Michael more closely, the audience are givin just a little hope for their relationship, however, (SPOILER!!) Michael finally cracks under the pressure of the sacrifices he has made in regards to his family and friends, and more specifically Fi, and sleeps with Sonya. The audience are never given a clear insight into his true motives, whether they be to advcance in the mission, or due to his own desires, but we are definately given a rare glimpse into Michael's introvert self, that is, his feelings, desires and regrets.
This portrayal of Michael deepens his character and thus the audience's connection with him, however I'm not so sure the path to this insight will be favoured.
Review by Emma Laarkamp
Last week, Hanna was
caught in the act of attempting to bury a gun found in Ashley’s
wardrobe. Now Hanna is under investigation with the police and has
drawn more attention towards her family. Got to feel bad for Hanna,
the girl tries to fix problems but A is always waiting with something
worse in mind. Ashley is on edge with the investigation because they
have not heard anything and Hanna attempts to process her father’s
sudden involvement in their lives once again. Unfortunately, the
Marins will definitely need a lawyer after Ashley is arrested for the
murder of detective Wilden.
Mona is back and outs
Spencer for lying to the rest of the girls about the RV (that Toby
traded for info). Naturally, Spencer and Toby find themselves in a
mysterious town called Ravenswood to look for Grunwald (the old
sorority House mother) who Spencer believes use to call ‘A’ and
we get the first introduction to the PLL
spinoff series. The place is completely
creepy and the townspeople definitely are hiding some huge secrets.
The only thing that came of the time spent with Toby and Spencer was
keeping the secret search for answers of his mum are coming between
the girls.
Emily fell for A’s
tricks and now she is also on Tanner’s radar after leaving a DVD
(of Jenna and Sharna with Wilden). Little did Emily know is A had
switched the DVD with a new one and to Em’s horror ‘A’ is the
footage wearing a mask with Emily’s face hold a sign that says
Aria helps the jerk Connor
with an English essay, only to have it back fire and is instead
slut-shamed at school by him. Even Mike believed the rumour about his
sister and was quick to judge her as usual. As strong as Aria’s
character is, you get to see her hurt and Ezra who should just leave
the girl alone, came to comfort her only to be rejected. Mike
actually turns around and apologizes. Although, in a misguided
attempt to stand up for his sister, Mike smashes Connor’s car and
runs off.
On a side note, Sharna
has become a student at Rosewood High and replaces Emily on the swim
team. Sharna seems to be everywhere this week at the coffee shop,
school and even Ravenswood. Is she helping ‘A’ or got her own
Review by Jessica Tisdell
It actually hurts me to
say that this episode was not great. I could just be that the last
couple of episodes raised the bar too high but that would just be
making excuses and that doesn’t help anyone. We have pasted the
halfway point for this storyline and I am starting to worry that Teen
Wolf might have bitten off more than it can handle.
The dark druid is after
healers this week so it’s bad luck for the doctors of Beacon Hills,
including Scott’s mysterious boss, Alan Deaton. While Scott
searches for Deaton, Boyd comes up with a (completely ridiculous)
plan to stop alpha Kali from killing Derek and for some reason Cora
ends up hanging out with Lydia and Stiles. In the end everyone fails.
The Sheriff saves Deaton (with some help from Melissa McCall),
Lydia’s powers don’t work and Derek is forced to kill Boyd.
This week Teen Wolf
threatened a major character death and it delivered, kind of. They
certainly killed a character, but whether he was major is debatable.
Vernon Boyd (Sinqua Walls) didn’t get much development beyond being
the third member of Derek’s pack and in the end his death didn’t
really add much to the overarching narrative and as a result fell
The actual death itself
was emotional enough but because there was no build up after the
initial impact it almost felt cheep. To their credit, Tyler Hoechlin
and Sinqua Walls acted the hell out of the scene but not even great
performances could save this episode. The logic that led up to Boyd’s
death was inherently flawed and at this point Derek’s manpain has
reached a point of diminishing returns. His life sucks, we get it. It
really doesn’t get much worst that having his family burn to death
in a fire that he believes was his fault. Everything after that is
Very little about this
season has made much sense so far but in episodes like “Frayed”
(305) and “Motel California” (306) that general sense of
confusion and mistrust worked to an advantage. But as of “Currents”
the mystery has reached the point where we need proof that this story
is actually heading somewhere worthwhile. I can no longer tell the
difference between intentional confusion and bad writing and if I
don’t get something soon I’m going to lose interest.
Luckily next week is the
episode that many fans have been waiting for since it was announce.
It’s the flashback episode. While I’m not a fan of flashbacks
generally, I am a fan of the answers they can provide. Hopefully
“Visionary” will give us enough answers to make me want to keep
watching (I’m going to watch it regardless but the longer it takes
to get a hint of explanation the more resentful I will become). Just
please tell me you have a plan Teen Wolf.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
the last few episode that have lacked the action and excitement until
usually around 35 minutes in. Don't get me wrong, Pretty
Little Liars
is a great show but the endless mysteries and new evidence is gettign
week Hanna is still convinced Ashley killed Wilden especially when
she goes snooping her mother's locked closet only to find a gun that
could possibly be the murder weapon. Hanna reaches out to her friends
to help her but of course they are busy trying to solve the whole A
thing and Hanna takes matters into her own hands. Unfortunately,
Spencer and Emily get there at the last minute before they could
prevent Hanna's completely blonde moment that has resulted in her
this was all going on, Spencer and Emily work on getting into
collage. They visit Cicero College but Spencer spends majority of her
mocking the place. Emily on the hand, is desperate to get into
college after injuring herself couple weeks ago and has screwed up
her chances for Standfors. Em instead flirts a little too much
(ahh... did anyone else forget she was gay?) and Spencer is playing
Nancy Drew. She ends up discovering the phone in a sorority connected
to the number the bird was repeating. Best scene is probably when
Spencer approaches a geek on campus and makes Game
Of Thrones
references to try to relate him.
is determined to get her mother to still go away but Mike convinces
Ella to stay. Yes thats right, Mike is finally back. Where has he
been all this time? Is Aria's little borther also part of the A team?
to quote 'A'-"Looks Like Hanna and Mother could share a lawyer
Review by Jessica Tisdell
This week’s episode was very much welcomed after a week of absence. All of the explosions and cunning really felt like home. This, combined with the recruitment of Fi, makes the show even more familiar and gives you the feeling it will never end.
This episode centres around a new Russian woman, Sonya, who rivals the wit and cunning of Michael himself. When you add this to the viciously clever policewoman who is after Sonya, Michael certainly has his work cut out for him, but once again, he succeeds in the seemingly impossible task of smuggling Sonya past the entire Russian and Columbian police force, slipping out right under their noses.
Sam and Jesse are again involved, and although Burke is now gone, their mission continues. Their teamwork and friendship really shine through in this episode, as all of their lives depend on each of them working perfectly together and reading each other.
Fi is recruited against her will, so even though she is mad about it, it looks like her contact with Michael is going to become a whole lot more frequent, as Michael’s mission takes him back to Miami (yay!). There is a little conflict in what seems right for Fi, as Carlos lets her go lovingly, however, I think everyone would agree with me in saying, it doesn’t matter how nice the guy is, he isn’t Michael.
This episode held true to the brilliant show we have all come to know and love, with big unnecessary explosions, cleverness and lots of deception, and ended with the excellent promise of the return of the old team back together, blowing up things in Miami.
Review by Emma Laarkamp
Last week I claimed that
“Frayed” was the best Teen Wolf episode ever it seems I
spoke too soon because this episode might have been even better, it
was certainly more traumatizing. Not that I’m complaining, I want
Teen Wolf to keep getting better and for a dramatic television
show causing your audience emotional trauma is basically the goal.
After the meet is
postponed the cross-country team, as well as Allison and Lydia, are
forced to spend the night in a motel that looks at though it belongs
in a CSI cold-open. It turns out about as well as you might expect.
The werewolves, Scott, Isaac, Boyd and Ethan all suffer from
hallucinations that drive them to attempt suicide. It’s left up to
Lydia, Allison and Stiles to save the day. Meanwhile Derek gets a
little sexual healing from Beacon Hills High’s new English teacher,
Jennifer Blake.
There were two seemingly
unconnected storylines in this episode. The first was The
Shinning-esque horror plot at the suicide hotel and the second
was Derek’s recovery process and romantic interlude. I say
seemingly unconnected because there is more than likely a very
significant reason that these storylines were placed side-by-side but
as it stands, with the information we have now, the shift in tone was
jarring at times. That said it was nice to see a softer, not to
mention sexier, side to everyone’s favourite brooding alpha Derek
While there were a number
of exceptional performances in this episode, it was Tyler Posey (who
plays the teen wolf himself, Scott McCall) that stole the show for
me. His emotional breakdown, and the beautiful broment between Scott
and Stiles, had me in a puddle of tears for far longer than I should
probably admit. The powerful moment is also a perfect example of the
jarring cuts between the murder motel and Derek’s loft. As a said
above, I’m sure there is greater purpose for this but sometimes
it’s better to stay in the moment and leave the significant edits
for another time.
The other fantastic thing
about this episode is that the female characters were in charge of
driving the plot forward. Lydia, Allison and even Jennifer were all
in the position of power throughout the story. The men had things
happen to them, the women actually did things, which is a fabulous
reversal of gendered expectations of narrative agency. I also have to
give them kudos for a make-out scene between two male characters. I
complain about the soap opera dramatics and excessive slow motion but
Teen Wolf actually does some seriously cool stuff.
I think it’s pretty
safe to say that I enjoyed this episode, if you can call crippling
emotional distress enjoying, which I do. Anyway if things are heading
the way I think they are this season is going to be amazing and I
can’t wait to watch it happen.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
This week’s episode
called ‘Face Time’ saw
the return of Emily’s father who was called home after Family
Services were notified of Emily’s bruises.
Where ever A is, she must
really be enjoying the drama. Emily’s family is becoming the centre
of attention throughout the town for their new reputation as the
dysfunctional family. Unfortunately, for Emily even though she
protests that her parents are not hurting her, A seems to be one step
As for the Hastings
family, Spencer announced that she didn’t get accepted into UPenn
but Melissa (the so called perfect daughter) has offered to help her
sister out. For ages now, we have questioned whether Melissa was
involved with A and to what extent. When the girls discovered the
mould of Melissa’s face last week, it was just more proof that she
was connected. To test this theory, Spencer and Aria decide to return
the mould to Melissa in her suitcase and watch for her reaction from
an outside window. Just as they expected, Melissa was smart and knew
she would lead them to some answers.
Later, Aria and Spencer
watch as Melissa retrieves a sack filled with copies of her face
moulds and begins destroying them. Spencer approaches her sister and
Melissa shares must needed information. According to the frustrated
Melissa, she has been involved in past ‘A’ activities to protect
Spencer and detective Wilden was the one who started the fire in the
lodge. At least we now know Melissa and Wilden were both on the
Halloween train but working for different people? They didn’t even
know about Mona being there.
You would think the girls
would have learnt by now not to lie but no. Spencer is still
withholding the fact that Toby was the one who moved Mona’s “lair”
and is secretly on the hunt for information on his mother’s death.
Toby is lead to a Doctor Palmer who was the doctor who worked with Ms
Cavanaugh the day she died but the Doctor’s memory is sketchy.
However, he mentions a blonde girl who used to visit. Was it Alison?
finally tells Jake the truth about her last relationship (with Ezra)
and claims it’s over. Jake on the other hand, doesn’t believe the
Aria and Ezra story is over just yet. “You have to figure out if
you’re hurt or injured,” he says.
Wilden’s safe deposit
box at the bank is opened and inside is thousands of dollars. Not to
mention a gun and passports. “Normal people don’t keep that stuff
in safe deposit do they?” she asks the detective. Hanna is
determined to keep her mother from going to jail but the conversation
backfires. Instead, Hanna’s so-called investigation has created
more suspicion towards her family, especially for Ashley.
On a side note, Emily’s
swimming carer could be possibly over depending on whether she has to
get surgery for her shoulder injury. What happens to the whole
Stanford dream?
The episode ends with
Hanna expressing her biggest fear… “I think my mum killed Wilden
and A knows it.” Personally, I think Ashley is not the killer
because it’s way too obvious. What do you guys think?
Review by Jessica Tisdell
After a long season 5 of
craziness surrounding the Lilith storyline which I found to be less
intriguing compared to past seasons. The whole Lilith scenario is
beginning to pay off as Bill 2.0 has changed the rules and has made
it his mission to save vampires (especially Jessica) from the humans.
This week Bill is feeling
a lot more motivated and has teamed up with Jessica to capture a
professor that has the skill to synthesise Sookie’s faerie blood
for the vampires. Jessica was sent to attend a class and to seduce
the professor. Jessica turns up in a hot school girl-like outfit the
poor guy didn’t stand a chance. The next step was for Bill to
convince Sookie to help him by donating blood but despite their past.
A lot has changed and Sookie does not want to go with him. Plates are
thrown and Bill uses his new super powers but she still refuses. Then
Bill says “You are dead to me Sookie Stackhouse”. It looks like
Bill and Sookie will not be getting back together anytime soon.
As for Sookie’s own
storyline, she has been bonding with Jason and preparing for Warlow
to come for her. I have a strange feeling that Warlow may be closer
than we think and he is hovering in the bushes waiting at night. The
Faerie godfather chases after the vampire but loses him due to his
swift movement. The godfather wonders out to search for Warlow only
to find the damage the vamp has already caused including a massacre
of all the fareies at the secret nightclub (where they had been
hiding). Ben who came into the picture last week has crossed paths
with the godfather and agrees to help protect Sookie from Warlow to
thank her for her the kindness.
Eric has a change of plans
instead of killing the Governor’s daughter Willa (played by Amelia
Rose Blaire); he instead holds her as a hostage to gain all the
information he can around his enemy. Pam doesn’t think it’s the
best idea and would prefer to kill Willa. As Fangtasia is no longer
in Eric’s possession, the group (Pam, Eric and Tara) have to leave
and take any that holds value to them. Eric takes a little pause to
take a last look at his throne whilst I had my own nostalgic moment
of remembering the first time his character was introduced. They take
refuge in Ginger’s house to sleep during the day and Willa shares a
coffin with Eric. Although, for a girl who has just been taken by
vampires she seems to be a little too enthusiastic. Later the
Governor calls Eric and traces their whereabouts but Eric is smart
and leaves straight after.
The Wolves are struggling
to stay under the radar as more people are slowly becoming aware of
their existence. Not to mention, the police are on to them about
Emma’s disappearance. Alcide as a character is becoming far less
appealing due to his behaviour lately (helping kidnap Emma from Sam,
who supposedly was a friend). Alcide is supposed to be likeable! The
Vampire unity society has introduced us to the character Nicole
wright who is the co-founder of the society and wants to help all the
supernatural creatures basically live in peace with each other.
Nicole visits the Alcide’s wolf pack with other members of the
society to talk to them but when a camera is discovered recording,
all hell breaks loose. The wolves turn, attacking them and the only
one to escape is Nicole. That we know of anyway. While this is all
going on, Sam who was the owl watching over, transforms into his
human form and saves Emma from them.
On a sidenote, Andy
Bellefleur is struggling with parenthood as his four girls are
growing at a rapid rate over only a few days or so. Andy has turned
on the charm to help teach Holly some shooting so she can protect her
boys from the vampires at night. It must be a pretty messed up town
now that Andy has the most normal life at the moment.
wait for next week, hopefully we finally get to see Warlow’s face
and the question on my mind is: Will Eric fulfil Willa’s vampire
fantasy that obviously she seems to have? It’s about time we see
some True Blood nudity
and maybe a couple that we can root for.
Review by Jessica Tisdell
I’m probably going to
regret saying this but I’m pretty sure “Frayed” was the best
episode of Teen Wolf ever. Considering the episode was almost
all flashbacks that is a big deal because I am really not a fan of
flashbacks (I think they’re often lazy and very rarely done well).
As a warning this review is going to be obnoxiously positive but I am
just so excited that after a few false starts Teen Wolf Season
3 is finally starting to live up to my expectations.
Scott and Stiles are on
the bus heading to an out of town cross-country meet. Scott was
injured in a terrible confrontation that happened the night before.
He’s not healing and that’s not all, he believes that Derek is
dead. As the episode progresses the events leading up to “Derek’s
death” are revealed through a series of flashbacks.
Logically I knew that
Derek wasn’t going to die. Tyler Hoechlin in the opening credits,
and the synopsis for future episodes show that Derek is around for a
while yet. But the part of my brain that enjoys Teen Wolf
isn’t all that logical so there were a few brief moments when I
started to wonder if maybe this was the end for my favourite brooding
alpha. It wasn’t but it is a testament to this episodes excellence
that there was a moment that I thought Derek might actually be dead.
Tucked between the
emotional trauma were some of the funniest moments of the season.
Coach Bobby Finstock (Orny Adams) is always a wonderful addition to
any episode and he had some fantastic lines this week, especially his
hilarious interactions with Stiles (Dylan O’Brien). The star of the
episode though was without a doubt Crystal Reed who acted the hell
out of Allison’s stress induced emotional breakdown.
The time shifting format
could have been incredibly confusing but the use of colour, lighting
and music made it reasonably easy to follow. It also added to the
overarching feeling that nothing is as it seems. It’s pretty clear
that the audience is missing some vital clue that will help decode
the increasing web of mysteries threaded through this season. The
answer is there we just don’t know how to find it yet. I’m not
sure yet who is behind the mysterious happenings in Beacon Hills but
I know enough not to trust anything or anyone.
Words can’t really do
this episode justice because much of what was great about it is
indescribable. All I can say is that I was literally on the edge of
my seat the entire time (I almost fell off at one point). Before this
season began I said that it looked like Teen Wolf had finally
grown up, well with “Frayed” it proved me right.
Next week promises to be
an emotional rollercoaster sending us swinging from slight arousal to
debilitating despair. Bring it on.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
This week's episode was once again, of course, brilliant. The introduction of a new character, and the death of an old one, causes the mystery to deepen, while Sam and Jesse are still wrapped up in Michael's CIA undercover mission and Fiona again feels compelled to help Michael. The episode focuses around a kidnapping in Miami, and the escaping of a woman from a kidnapping in Cuba.
Throughout this episode, viewers begin to see this cover that Michael has taken on envelop him even further, and we are left wondering if the old Michael really still exists as he points a gun at a sleeping child. This change in Michael this season is unsettling and does not sit well, however, that seems to be the aim of this season. Michael's quick wit however continues to be everyone's saving grace as Michael, as always, takes one for the team and endures torture to keep the others safe.
This idea of selflessness is better used to describe Burke, oddly enough. Throughout this episode, viewers are shown a different side of this criminal that causes us to almost feel sorry for and admire him. His love for the people around him, including Michael, is brought out through one very courageous and selfless act.
When Fiona gets a call from Michael for help, she can't help but become involved, and even she doesn't know why. She hides her involvement from her boyfriend Carlos, and instead enlists the help of Maddie yet again. Maddie is getting a taste for the spy life, as a natural talent for this line of work shines through whilst she is helping Fiona kidnap a Russian man.
With the death of one character comes the introduction of another, however, a very brief introduction before she manages to slip through the cracks, with the episode ending upon yet another great mystery.
Review by Emma Laarkamp
Melissa is back and the girls have
found a mask with Alison’s face on it. The mask leads Hanna, Emily
and Aria to a cabin where a strange man creates props for horror
films. He explains that Aly wanted to make masks for all of her
friends but no one had ever received one.
Caleb finally makes his first
appearance for Pretty Little Liars season 4 this week.
Concerned for Hanna, he visits Mr Marin (her father) to ask him to
support Hanna with the Wilden ‘situation’. Mr Marin shares with
Caleb that he was visited by Ashley on the day and coincidently, his
gun has gone missing.
A is slowly pushing each girl’s
family to the edge by targeting their mothers instead. Emily’s
mother, Pam had family services called on her due to a little
incident she had with Emily in front of the high school. Not to
mention, Emily’s injuries are severely suss and it had the doctor
asking a lot more questions about Emily’s life.
Ashley is still behaving weird and
omitting the truth, she lied about not attending a show in New York
with her colleagues. To Hanna’s dismay she also discovers a map of
everyone who is connected to Wilden in the police office which
included lines drawn to her friends and mother.
A sends a text to Aria saying “Cleaning
up Rosewood, one mean mommy at a time. Dig we must.” As a result of
all the drama lately and A targeting their mothers. Aria decides to
encourage her own mother Ella (played by Holly Marie Combs) to take a
holiday with the guy she has been dating.
As for Toby and Spencer they have been
playing detective to figure out what really happened to Toby’s
mother the day she died and by visiting Radley. The files about
Toby’s mother and the window made the pair suspicious of whether it
was a suicide or not.
The girls manage to find a mask with
Melissa’s face which is just more evidence proving that she is very
much involved. Besides that, this week’s episode was not overly
exciting but I guess its slowly building the drama for something
tragic occur once again. Toby says A preys on you when you’re at
your weakest. What do you think A will do next?
Review by Jessica Tisdell
Last week I was pretty
unapologetic in my disappointment but I’m excited to say that this
week Teen Wolf is back on track. “Unleashed” was a fun and
enjoyable episode that reminded me of all the things that made me
fall in love with this show in the first place.
This week on Teen
Wolf, Stiles is on a mission to prove his theory about the virgin
sacrifices and gains a little help along the way from Lydia and the
mysterious town vet, Dr Deaton. Isaac, Allison and Scott team up
against the alpha twins and Derek gets a visit from Deucalion, it’s
not exactly a pleasant experience.
While it wasn’t my
favourite episode it was so much better than last week that I can’t
bring myself to care, besides there was a lot to love. We finally got
some character development for the alpha twins, Ethan and Aiden, who
have up until now been walking gimmicks. The interaction between
Derek and Jennifer Blake, which felt forced in the previous episode,
was actually kind of sweet. And the developing relationship between
Allison and Isaac is only getting more and more intriguing.
There was still an
excessive use of slow motion in the fight scenes, it’s like they
have a new toy and they don’t know when to put it down, but as it
was accompanied by an interesting storyline it didn’t bother me as
much. I always love the classic horror homages, like the cold-open
death, and Deucalion’s over the top villain’s speech was just
kitsch enough to be fun.
The introduction of Druid
and Celtic mythology broadens the scope of this series significantly.
It also asks an intriguing question, who is this mysterious bad guy
giving Druids a bad name and what is their connection to Lydia? All
kinds of theories are speculating already, popular picks include
Sassy Uncle Peter Hale and Gerard “MOUTIAN ASH” Argent. But the
truth is at the moment it’s anyone’s game.
I am still rather
disappointed by the treatment of Erica’s death (and Boyd’s
trauma). I’m not the only one hoping for a little bit of closure
but as the season is progressing at breakneck speed that much needed
closure looking less and less likely. Then there’s the small issue
of the increasing number of plot holes that I’m desperately hoping
are actually part of a magnificent master plan but maybe I am
expecting too much from this silly little MTV show about werewolves.
in all this was an entertaining episode that perfect-showcased Teen
Wolf’s ability to mesh the superficial teen years with
seriously traumatic adult issues like PSD. As long as the rest of
the rest season has more of that and less menacing growling I’ll be
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
This week's episode certainly didn't disappoint, with all the action and suspense of an end-of-season cliffhanger. We are only three episodes into this final season, and already another complex, mystifying and suspenseful plot line beginning to unfold.
Sam and Jesse are incorporated into the CIA mission that Michael is working on in the Dominican Republic, and the audience are, I'm sure, welcoming this renewal of the kick-ass trio that is Michael, Sam and Jesse. This resurrecting of the trio however leads to Micheal pulling the guys into his problems, problems which results in moral conflict, particularly for Sam, as he chooses what is more important - his best friend, or innocent bystanders. There is, however, the gaping absence of Fi that feels like the elephant in the room as she is never mentioned, although, there hasn't yet been the need for a huge, spontaneous supply of C4.
Fi is still a big part of Maddie's life however, and when Maddie calls with trouble from Nate's old 'bookie', Fi resolves the problem in the way only she knows best - a big explosion. There is an all time first for Fi however as she lets Maddie press the button, which results in a priceless look of satisfaction plastered all over Maddie's face.
When Michael is again in a sticky situation (when is he ever not, right?), he uses that good old cunning and connection with his friends that makes everyone laugh and admire him at the same time. There is however the revealing of yet another mystery, but not the mystery itself, just the fact that there is one. This leads to one hell of a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting so much more.
All in all, this episode starts to feel like the good old days of the earlier seasons, with the more prominent roles of Sam and Jesse, and the absence of Michael's facial hair. There is however the missing of Fi, as well as the Miami landscape, and the lack of small subplots that used to be in each episode - Michael is no longer helping people, and in fact, does more killing than helping, which we all know is not Michael Weston's style at all. The reason for this however, is revealed in this episode.
Review by Emma Laarkamp
The girls of Pretty
Little Liars still have many questions. Why
was Hannah’s mother’s (Ashley) phone in Wilden’s casket? Where
has Melissa been all this time?
Mona is still trying to
win the girls trust but as Aria says “This is Mona; she started
lying when she was a foetus”. Mona takes them to the RV only to
find its missing…of course. The other former member of the A team
Toby is struggling to stay honest as well as A taps into one of his
major weaknesses his mother. To find answers Toby has yet again been
doing favours for A and although, we are supposed to have empathy for
the poor guy, its hard to trust him.
Hannah is conflicted after
she discovers her mother’s expensive heels covered in mud. While
the police have come out with the news that murderer was wearing
heels. Is murderer Ashley or red coat?
Spencer has finally
received news from the University of Pennsylvania, a place she has
been dreaming of attending as part of her family tradition but is not
accepted. She reaches out to Ezra who offers to help Spencer write
some essays and apply for other places. However, with A on the loose
she is making it incredibly hard for any of the girls to build a
On a positive note, we
are finally seeing Aria move on from Ezra. After Mona is attacked,
Aria feels its about time she learnt to defend herself since she is a
small girl after all. The audience is introduced to a possible love
interest the attractive fighting instructor Jake played by Keven
Santos. As Aria practices with Jake you can clearly see the chemistry
and Aria impulsively kisses him during a session. Awkward! Jake later
informs Aria he is interested but will there a future for them?
of the minor developments of the storyline was the talking bird
Tippy. According to Spencer the repetition of sounds Tippy was making
was a phone number, possibly one Alison called often. This episode
was not the most exciting moment of the season but these events are
leading into some serious drama. Next week we will see the return of
Melissa and more details on Ashley’s involvement in Wilden’s
death may just be revealed.
Review by Jessica Tisdell
week’s episode was really good, like exceptionally good. Maybe my
hopes were a little high but this week just didn’t quite make it.
Don’t get me wrong, this episode wasn’t awful, it just wasn’t
great and after last week’s offering it was sorely disappointing.
That said there were some great moments hidden in what was a rather
lacklustre effort as a whole.
and Scott enlist some unlikely help to find Boyd and Cora who are
still at the mercy of the full moon. Lydia and Stiles investigate a
series of disturbing murders and Allison takes matters into her own
hands. This episode is mostly snarling and running through the woods
with a little bit of gore and a dash of harlequin romance.
Wolf doesn’t really have filler
episodes, but if it did this would be it. The search for Boyd and
Cora could, and probably should, have been completed in half the
time. While the secondary storyline of revealed significant
information that furthers the overarching season mystery, the
majority of the episode was spent watching the werewolves run through
the woods in slow motion.
Speaking of slow motion,
the director of this episode obviously had a fetish for attractive
men in walking slow motion. Now, I’m partial to the occasional use
of slow motion, especially on attractive men, but there comes a point
when it’s time to speed things up and give us something relevant.
When they were walking in slow motion they were performing excessive
and unnecessary acrobatics. There is just so much that could have cut
from this episode.
If you ignore the running
and growling there were a few things that stood out in this episode.
The classic horror elements, including a camping trip gone wrong and
a surprise dead body, were really well done. I’m actually loving
Teen Wolf’s use of classic horror tropes this season. Dylan
O’Brien was exceptional as always, especially in a particularly
poignant emotional scene.
Although the female
characters were relegated to the background they outshone the
testosterone filled hunting party. Especially Allison, who managed to
achieve by herself, what Derek, Scott, Isaac and Chris had been
unable to achieve as a team. The one highlight of the hunting
storyline was Derek’s slow decent into despair, as he loses the
last vestiges to his self-esteem but even that was undermined when he
was gifted a romantic reward for his sacrifice.
Ms Blake (Haley Webb) was
introduced in the first episode of season 3, and while we didn’t
learn much about her she appeared capable and intriguing. In this
episode most of what made her intriguing was ripped away from her so
that she could be forced into the role of damsel in distress in
preparation for meeting Derek Hale. While this episode didn’t
introduce Ms Blake’s storyline particularly well, I am hoping that
behind the romantic damsel is a dynamic character with a storyline of
her very own as more than just Derek’s ‘love interest’.
safe to say, that this episode was a bit of a let down but hopefully
it will be the exception in an otherwise amazing season.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
Okay, I’ll admit it.
The premiere had me a little worried. It was good but it was as good
as it needed to be to live up to the hype. This episode alleviated
most of my fears and I now completely on board with Season 3. This
was a fantastic episode that had me on the edge of my seat screaming
at the screen for forty minutes.
Stiles went to a party to
get laid; it didn’t end well. Scott tried to get Allison and Derek
to work together; it didn’t end well. Derek and Isaac are tried to
find Boyd and Erica; it didn’t end well. Lydia and Danny are trying
to get laid… it’s going well. Uncle Peter is still sassy with
dubious intentions. Stiles has research fever and enjoys a good
fisting (that might be an exaggeration). Also Derek had a blast from
the past that could be a game changer.
There is so much to love
about this episode but what stood out for me are the interactions
between Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin) and Allison Argent (Crystal
Reed). Those two have a complicated past and I hoped that when they
finally got to talking that it would be fantastic and it was even
better than I could have imagined. All I wish is for more of this
dynamic in future episodes.
The other thing this
episode showcased was the incredible cinematography. Last week I
suggested that this was Teen Wolf all grown up and the look of
this episode proved that sentiment. There was a scene between fan
favourites Peter Hale (Ian Bohen) and Stiles Stilinski (Dylan
O’Brien) that was truly beautiful with an innovative use of light
and shadow. For a moment it made me forget I was watching an MTV show
about teenage werewolves.
The performances were
solid as usual, especially the wonderful Dylan O’Brien, who as
usual added remarkable depth to comic sidekick Stiles. I was also
surprisingly impressed with Tyler Hoechlin, who let’s face it is
known more for his abs than his acting talent, but somehow managed to
break my heart with just one word: “Cora”.
Some might be annoyed by
the amount of what could be called fan service but the episode flowed
really well and every scene appeared as though it had a place. While
there were some fun fan winks nothing felt superfluous. There was not
a moment to waste, there was a lot of information packed into just
forty minutes, and for me at least nothing felt wasteful.
Part of me feels like I’m
being far too unashamedly positive but then I watch this episode
again and I’m reminded of just how entertaining it really is. This
is the Teen Wolf I want see in Season 3 and I hope that it’s
onwards and upwards from here. If the next ten episodes are half as
good as “Chaos Rising” this will be the best season yet.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
Beginning straight from
where Pretty Little Liars
left off last season, Hanna, Aria, Spencer, Emily and Mona open
Wildon’s car boot, only to find a dead pig? What was that supposed
to mean? The only thing we know for sure is A is back and more
manipulative than ever before.
Mona helps out Hanna by
tampering with evidence to save Hannah’s mother and later hands
over the memory chip with the footage. What is this girl’s angle?
Mona also spilled some
goss on her secret life as a minion for A, like how she made Lucas
and Toby do some of her dirty work for her. Mona was the one who
placed Wilden’s car in Hannah’s garage, Shanna is in love with
Jenna and they both are afraid of Melissa. For some time, Mona
assumed Cece was red coat/Alison and she didn’t kill Ian. Not to
mention, Mona takes the girls to her “lair” to gain their trust.
Strangely, Alison’s
mother has returned to Rosewood and is moving back into her old
house. In one particular scene, Spencer stares out the window only
to realize Alison’s mother staring back from her own window. Ahh
creepy much?
At school the vice
Principal has been keeping a close eye on Aria since she claimed
nothing was going on between her and Ezra. Aria is called to the vice
Principal’s office and she panics. Luckily, everything was just in
Aria’s head.
Paige proposes to Emily
that they move away together to California and attend Standford
University. Hesitant at first to move across the country, Emily
accepts. While on another note, Toby is being caught in a new game
with A to find out answers about his mother and a flashback is shown
of Toby with Alison which shows they had a “thing”.
In true Pretty
Little Liars fashion, the writers have the
girls attending another funeral and their mission is to find Wildon’s
body because something is in the casket. Spencer and Mona are sent
the same message which leads them to the body and a phone rings from
inside the casket.
also important to mention there was a mysterious woman with a black
veil who attended the funeral and later is seen with a mask on
playing with dolls that represent each girl. Was the woman with veil
the new A?
With such a long wait, it
was good to see PLL
fans get some answers but at the same time, there are so many more
Review by Jessica Tisdell
Burn Notice, Season 7, kicked off with all of the excitement and action that has characterised this show since its beginning in 2007. Although there are a few noticeable changes, with the absence of the well-known, burn-notice-style captions and the extreme close ups on shirtless men rather than bikini clad women (don’t worry guys, they are still there too), the basic essence of the show still holds true.
Viewers are shown a much different, darker side to Michael Weston. The show continues on nine months after the season finale, and Michael Weston has taken his ‘deep cover’ to a whole new level. Viewers are confronted with an alcoholic, disgruntled ex-spy who is based in Columbia and fighting to make a living. This, of course, is all a part of a government program which puts Michael in constant, serious danger. This cover has changed him though, with the merciful Michael Weston that we all know killing two people in the first episode. However, this exciting start to the show is not only set in Columbia. The tension is also felt back in Miami, with all of the characters we have come to know and love once again risking their lives to protect Michael.
Once Sam gets wind of Michael, and the fact that he is in danger, he will stop at nothing to find his friend. This commitment however, almost gets Sam and Jesse blown up half way through the first episode of the season. The audience experiences a devastating blow in the first ten minutes as Fi kisses another guy, implying a long-term boyfriend. Despite this, she is just as fiery and loyal as always, and commits herself to protecting Madeline, who accidently secures Michael’s dangerous fate.
Madeline herself is fighting to get custody of little Charlie Weston (Nate’s son) and the audience is reminded of that gut-wrenching moment when Nate died in Michael’s arms. But don’t worry, it isn’t all sad and dark, there is still an impressive Hollywood explosion and the opportunity to see Michael with a beard.
Overall, this has been an impressive start to great show…it makes you wonder how it ever got cancelled.
Review by Emma Laarkamp
It’s back and it’s
bigger and badder than ever. It’s been a long hiatus since Teen
Wolf’s fantastic second season but it has finally come blasting
back into our lives with an amazing season premiere.
The opening sequence,
involving a mysterious girl and a motorcycle chase, represents
everything that was right and wrong with this episode. It’s pretty
clear they’re aiming for epic and while it doesn’t quite make it,
they just don’t have the budget to pull off big CGI based stunts,
it sets the tone for a season that is quite clearly going where Teen
Wolf has never gone before.
Once it moved into more
familiar territory, especially the turbulence of teenage romance, the
episode really came into its own. Scott was more lovable than ever,
which I didn’t think was possible, and it was nice to see Stiles
back in his role as comic relief. Especially after the dramatic turn
his character took towards the end on Season 2, although I doubt that
the fun times will last much longer.
Without a doubt the star
of the episode was Holland Roden as Lydia Martin. Lydia had a rough
ride throughout the first two seasons and while she had some awesome
moments she was often relegated to damsel in distress or romantic
reward. It was nice to see a more confident Lydia, one that wasn’t
defined by her interactions with the male leads. Roden stole every
scene she was in and I can’t wait to see where they take her
character this season.
The episode was a little
hard to follow at times due to the amount of information they had to
give us but over all I think it was a solid start to the season.
There is clearly a lot going on, including a lot of new characters,
but it was nice that despite a couple of moments the majority of the
episode focused on Scott, Allison, Stiles, Lydia and Derek. It was
especially great to see Scott and Derek working so well together.
Despite the tagline’s
warning that “this might hurt” this episode was relatively pain
free but the mysteries introduced were intriguing, and Deucalion
seems like he will make a delicious villain. I wasn’t keen on the
implication that Scott is the hero of a prophecy driven adventure
(one werewolf to save them all) but as Teen Wolf has a
tendency to take tired tropes to unexpected places I am going to give
it the benefit of the doubt for the moment.
Although not without it’s
problems, “Tattoo” was a great introduction to what looks like an
exciting season but only time will tell if the many, many mysteries
this episode set up are able to fulfill their potential.
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
is the start of the grand celebrations in Rome and for once Rodrigo
Pope Alexander is seen to be doing Pope-ey stuff! He appears solemn
and dressed in all the finery and grandeur you would expect of a
Renaissance Pope. The crowd looks on while he addresses the people
of Rome and opens his doors and offers forgiveness at a price. The
sweet sound of jewels and coins for sins paid for fill the Papal
House and the wealth amassed is plenty.
lady is not celebrating, and that is Catarina Sforza. Benito’s
body is returned to her and she is full of hate and hell bent on
revenge at the loss of her only son. She wants the Borgia’s wiped
out and will not stop until she gets her way starting by diverting
the flood of Pilgrims to Rome by claiming to have the shroud of
turin. However, the Borgia’s will not stand quietly and Cesare is
dispatched to exterminate her and collect the shroud for authenticity
back at the Vatican.
I cannot help but feel sorry for the cold blooded psychopath
Micheletto. He thinks he has found love but all he has done is let a
spy into the Borgia household. What fate will behold him and his
lover when the web of lies comes undone?
8 cannot come soon enough as we head towards the final few episodes.
The momentum is building nicely and that will be a grand finale no
Review by JoAnn Duff
seven is about unions. Bad ones, passionate ones, religious ones,
tangled ones and forbidden ones.
and his army are trying to capture Milan in a carefully balanced
power negotiation with the French army. Micheletto gets some rare
downtime from killing and torturing on behalf of the Borgia dynasty
and is shown around Milan by a handsome stranger who takes him to a
deserted house which belonged to Leonardo Da Vinci. He shows him
Leonardo’s contraptions and inventions as well as something else
entirely. There should be more of Sean Harris on screen as
Micheletto has such a presence, intriguing story and is acted so well
you are left wanting more every time he leaves the screen. It is a
real treat when there are episodes which focus on him.
in Rome Guilia Farnese makes a re-appearance after being extricated
from the Papal house. She has a new suitor and wishes Pope Alexander
to approve the union while in Naples Lucrezia pushes hard to toughen
up her soft yet pretty Duke husband. However, he is not interested in
conflict and just wants a peaceful life. The price you pay for a
peaceful life in the time of Borgia is a short one. It looks like
Lucrezia has to wear the pants in this partnership and protect
herself by making a power play of her own.
far the most interesting storyline in this episode is Ludovico
Sforza’s deal with the devil (or should that be the Pope?). He has
been keeping Caterina’s only son in hiding and gives him up to the
Borgia’s in return for safe passage and a life spared. What he
didn’t count on was Michelleto mistaking capture for murder and as
with every deal made by anyone it this season of the Borgia’s,
there will be dire consequences.
pestilence and the plague are rife in Naples, so is it the right
place to bring a Borgia heir? Michelletto thinks so as he smuggles
Lucrezia's baby from Rome back into his doting mothers arms to the
disbelief of her husband.
in Rome it’s turning 1500 AD and Pope Alexander sees fit to plan a
spectacular show to mark the 1500th year of our Lord. He expects
pilgrims to come from all over Christendom and hopefully donate and
fill his coffers. The narcissistic egomaniac also commissions a
portrait and gets busy organizing an outrageous event. One of his
cardinals comes up with a grand idea for gold coin where Pilgrims
literally pay for their sins with coins with a coin box outside each
Sforza is still plotting as usual and pulls a stunt with a plague
filled rag. I am unsure if she really does plan to destroy the
Borgia family or maybe she just enjoys pontificating and walking up
and down in front of good looking sons from powerful Italian
families. Now we reach episode six I hope that thinks will begin to
Jews are descending on Rome daily, more and more are pouring in and
Pope Alexander sees a chance to grab yet more gold coins. For the
Jews to stay and trade and live happily in Rome they must contribute
generously. While the negotiations are in full swing the Pope is
interrupted. The French army is descending with the newly married
Cesare as it’s Commander. Is there anyone else in the world in
1500? Or is the whole world’s population nestled and squeezed
tightly into Rome. Surely is only a matter of time before the
pressures give way.
Review by JoAnn Duff
Doctor has a secret he will take to the grave. It is
the Doctor did have a secret it certainly wasn’t what we thought –
well those of us that managed to stay spoiler free after the Series 7
DVD’s were incorrectly shipped early. Spoilers drama aside there is
so much to say about this episode and I have absolutely no idea where
to start.
As the
episode begins with Clara – the impossible girl – let’s start
with her shall we. I haven’t been silent about my disappointment
with Clara’s characterisation and while this episode didn’t make
me fall in love with her it was definitely a satisfying conclusion to
the only mystery worth solving. The way they inserted Clara into past
Doctor Who
adventures could have been gimmicky yet somehow it was practically
flawless but that might be the nostalgia talking. So far, I have
re-watched that scene 7 times and I’m sure I’ll watch it again
before I finish writing this review; I’m in awe.
there was the inclusion of my favourite occasional guests Strax,
Madam Vastra and her wife Jenny. And the fact that they interacted
with the always-brilliant River Song was icing on the cake. While
we’re on the topic of River Song, I have to say this is the first
time since Series 5 that I felt her character was done the justice
she deserves. Alex Kingston sizzles on screen and the chemistry
between her and Matt Smith is electric.
notable aspects included the return of Richard E. Grant’s The Great
Intelligence, some seriously scary looking monsters that can
literally stop your heart and the fact that we never did learn the
Doctor’s name (thank goodness). Of course Clara saved the day, as
companions always do, and her sacrifice was actually rather emotional
but that had more to do with Jenna-Louise Coleman’s performance
than anything else. And I can’t praise Matt Smith enough because my
words are inadequate, that man can act.
episode was everything it needed to be, a fantastic final filled with
near death experiences, tear-jerking goodbyes and mind-blowing
revelations. It’s basically everything I wanted and it almost makes
up for the fact that the last two Series lost some of their heart in
order to set up this epic final, and the upcoming 50th
Anniversary Special.
We did
not learn the Doctor’s name but this episode reminded me why I fell
in love with this show in the first place. It’s somehow takes these
complicated crazy storylines and makes them relatable. So while I was
disappointed with this series as a whole – not that I hated it just
didn’t live up to pervious expectations – “The Name of the
Doctor” did enough to renew my excitement for not just the 50th
Anniversary Special but the next full series as well. Besides now
that Clara’s finished her life as a plot device she might actually
become a real person.
that’s it for Series 7, there is not much else to do now except try
to survive the anticipation of Matt Smith and David Tennant teaming
up in the 50th
Anniversary Special.
by Yvonne Popplewell
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
last week’s cliff hanger the explosion that destroyed stage the
question on everyone’s mind was is Adrianna or Navid dead?
“We all Fall Down” the series finale it was time for the friends
to take their final bow and find some must need resolutions.
was left asking questions about Annie and Liam’s relationship after
she finished reading ‘Undressed’
the book based
around Annie’s love life. Liam, who is of course in denial of the
on-going feelings for Annie, continues to ignore obvious signs-they
should be together.
is found safe and sound but Aid is nowhere to be found. Still in
pain, Navid runs into the damaged stage to find her. It was nice to
see Navid be heroic and they sat there until rescue crews came,
discussing their future together.
throws a massive concert to raise funds for recent disaster which
featured the amazing vocals of the Goo
Goo Dolls. The
concert is put to stop when a gas leak is found that could harm Aid
and Navid inside. With no money for the ‘Naomi Clark Disaster
Relief’ the only way out was to sell her tell all story about her
so called night with Prince Harry. It worked in Naomi’s favour as
Jordan’s mother delivered the news that the Emperor (aka. Prince
Harry’s father) was happy to see his son react to the story by
entering rehab. Naomi agreed to meet the Emperor as long as she and
Jordan could see each once again.
if Silver needed more pain in her life, the doctor called to announce
she had cancer. Dixon had a heart-warming conversation with Silver
and it motivated her to fight the cancer: “You
reach deeper until you can find the strength. That’s all life is,
one big fight after another.”
Sidney confronted Liam and told him to read the ending of Annie’s
book. Aid calls Silver about the baby incident and they make-up from
their on-going war. The group said their goodbyes and I teared up
when Annie hugged Dixon.
Annie, Naomi and Jordan walk towards their private plane. Annie looks
miserable as rolls her luggage and gets on the plane. Little does
she know that Liam is driving his motorcycle beside the plane along
the runway until eventually Jordan notices him. Annie gets off the
plane and Liam says:
read the end of your book. The person you made me, the guy who rides
up on his motorcycle and says exactly how he feels and what he wants,
even if it’s complicated. That’s the guy I want to be.”
in one bold and romantic move, Liam gets one knee and asks her to
marry him. She says yes.
90210 did not have the best ending I mean what happened to Silver or
Dixon? Did Navid and Aid marry? We could have seen more of a happy
ending for all the characters and Max should have returned to sweep
Naomi off her feet once again. The show had an overall bitter sweet
end but it was still worth it to watch. I see a 90210 marathon in the
near future!
Review by Jessica Tisdell
It finally happened, the thing we have all been waiting for for the past eight years, we met 'The Mother' (aka Ted's future wife, played by Cristin Milioti) in the season eight finale of How I Met Your Mother. ...Well, okay, Ted hasn't met her yet, but we have... well we saw her for a few seconds just before the episode ended, but still, she was there, 'The Mother' does exist! Unfortunately we had to sit through a rather underwhelming episode to get to this big reveal.
When Lily accidentally blurts out to Marshall's mother that they are moving to Italy, Marshall takes baby Marvin to see his mother in an attempt to appease her, leaving Lily free to do as she pleases. Ted has finally finished renovating the house he purchased and takes Lily to see it. When they get there, he reveals to Lily that he is selling the house and moving to Chicago. Ted says that since everyone is moving on (Lily and Marshall are moving to Rome, Barney and Robin are getting married), and that he hasn't found 'the one' in New York, he has decided to try his luck in Chicago. This is when Lily realises that not finding 'the one' isn't the real reason Ted is moving to Chicago: it is because he thinks Robin is 'the one' and can't stand the thought of her marrying his best friend.
Ted tells Lily the story of how they went looking for Robin's 'something old' (a locket she buried in Central Park when she was a teenager), but couldn't find it, and Lily tells him she knows where it is. Ted decides that giving Robin the locket would be a great wedding present... Lily tells him to be careful.
It's really hard to feel sorry for Ted at this point since we know he is so very close to meeting the mother, that he probably won't move to Chicago and sell the house (since this house is the one his kids grow up in), so this storyline fell kind of flat. It was interesting that Ted ended up having Robin's locket all along (it would have felt false if they revealed Barney had it), so there no doubt will be more Ted/Robin/Barney drama when the series returns next season. I'm growing pretty tired of the whole Ted/Robin thing and cannot wait for it all to be over and for Ted to finally move on.
While Marshall is staying with his mother, she is doing everything in her power to convince Marshall to stay in America. Marshall assures Lily that nothing can stop him from going to Rome with her... that is until he gets a phone call offering him a job as a court judge. Marshall accepts, but does not tell Lily.
I was wondering if/how they were going to stop Lily and Marshall moving to Rome (at least for any extended period of time), so this came as a nice surprise and will no doubt cause some friction between Marshall and Lily next season.
Meanwhile, Barney and Robin have finished all of their wedding planning, and decide to take an evening to relax at their favourite restaurant. Of course things do not go to plan when another couple takes Barney and Robin's favourite table. Barney and Robin decide to get revenge against this couple by trying to split them up. They think their plan has succeeded, but the couple gets engaged instead.
This was a pretty lame storyline (not to mention mean), and hardly felt season finale-worth... especially when most of us were probably expecting to see Barney and Robin get married! I guess they're just going to keep milking this one for all it is worth. I suppose it was nice to see that Barney and Robin do work well as a team, and is the shows way of indicating they are *meant* to be...
Thankfully, this rather lacklustre episode was saved at the end when we saw the mother for the first time. I was really glad that they didn't wait until the very last episode of the very last season to reveal her, and now (hopefully) we will have all of next season to get to know her, as well as to watch her and Ted's courtship... Well, that's the hope, but as we all know by now, How I Met Your Mother just loves to drag things out...
Review by Heather Bale.
This week on Grimm, Nick picks the
worst possible time to start an affair with a wesen. He spends the
majority of ‘Kiss of the Muse’ obsessed over a musai while the
rest of the cast work to both arrest another one of her victims and
find a cure for him. Meanwhile Juliette has obtained all her missing
memories and wants to reconcile with Nick.
Nick’s gradual descent into
obsession, while not subtle, is effective. From the moment that she
kissed his hand it was obvious something was going to go down, but it
is not cemented until he goes to her house instead of dinner with
Juliette. The more time he spends with her the worse he gets and it
starts to show after his second and third visits. Bravo, David
Guintoli. Bravo, Sean Calder.
Speaking of performance and writing, it
was great to see Munroe, Hank, Rosalee and (yes, even) Renard working
together while Nick was under the influence. Hank and Renard do the
policing while Munroe and Rosalee do their usual research in both the
trailer and the spice shop. The supporting cast are usually
downplayed in importance when it comes to each case so it was nice to
see them taking over investigation this episode. I believe it was
‘Mr. Sandman’ that first had this opportunity to play with this
idea but it’s this episode that does something with it.
This is also one of the few episodes so
far where there is no cure or counterspell for a wesen’s ability
provided by either of the cast’s main resources. Munroe and Rosalee
had to improvise a solution using their own deductive abilities.
Again, I love seeing the showrunners try something different.
As mentioned above this is the episode
where Juliette remembers everything and tries to apologise to Nick
for how she alienated him. For someone who has been watching this
whole time it’s both cathartic and heartbreaking. In any other
episode Nick might have loved to hear those words coming out of her
mouth. In ‘Kiss of the Muse’, however, he’s too busy thinking
about sparkly blue wesen ladies to care.
While I was applauding the writing this
episode just a few paragraphs before, there’s two things that
really bother me; first and foremost, I have a problem with
Juliette’s memory of the talk she and Nick had in the trailer. It
is a complete reversal of her original reaction for no other reason
than ‘having time to gradually process what happened’. Just a few
months ago I would have been screaming ‘why is this so hard to
believe’, but the change in attitude here was too jarring. Nick
needed her this episode, but that could have been achieved by her
having a five second freakout, calming down and then coming to
conclusion she did in that scene.
The other issue I had was the musai and
the ending of her arc—to put it bluntly we are given no motivation
for her actions other than ‘I’m a musai, it’s what we do’.
This is lazy writing. While it’s implied she enjoys seeing men
fight over her, I have no idea if this is a species trait or just her
abusing her powers. Her interrogation scene, which would have been
great to establish any kind of backstory, gives her no depth. The
idea of her is great and the conflict she creates makes this episode
one I won’t soon be forgetting but I’m in no rush to see her
In conclusion
this episode is great save a few jarring moments and a bland villain.
With Juliette in the loop I imagine the team dynamic will be shifting
next week. Whether or not it’s for the better is yet to be seen.
Review by Greta Rehak
Last week, was one of best
episodes Of New Girl
probably ever. Although, the gang did not actually leave the house
for the whole episode, the storyline compensated for that. As they
all share their ‘first time’ to have sex. Jess claims that she
has the worst story, she makes out in kids playground castle, gets
stuck, the guys she is with announces he might be gay and they police
discover that guy sleeping on the bench near them was dead the whole
time. Jess is rescued by a strong fireman named Teddy who takes her
up in his arms and she explains that lost her virginity to him. I
think Jess has the wrong of idea of what disastrous first time is.
Schmidt tells the story of
his first time with his first girlfriend Elizabeth that involved a
little much lubricant and a stoned Nick who was there to witness it
all. While Winston who believes he had the best experience has his
whole world crushed as Nick announces that the woman named ‘Mysteria’
who was actually a prostitute. Although who names their child
Mysteria? Cece who also claims to have a “bad experience” was
lucky enough to lose her virginity to legendary star Mick Jagger.
As Jess leaves the
apartment to meet her date at the end of the episode, Nick stops
thinking for once and just does exactly what we have been waiting
for. He stops Jess in the elevator and sweeps her off her feet like
in a romantic novel. Sigh.
In this week’s episode
“Winston’s Birthday”, Nick and Jess are lying in bed when they
realise after all that sexual tension, they finally did it. Nick is
as happy as one can be after sex and decides to make Jess a cute
breakfast in bed when her dad (Rob Reiner) arrives at their apartment
Jess is offered a job to
tempt at a school and Nick is stuck at home with her father trying
not to blurt out anything but it does not go so well. The children
are giving Jess hell but she takes charge of the situation. At home
Nick eventually pours out his heart to Bob (Jess’s father) who has
a lot to say about Nick and Jess beginning a relationship.
turns around and says “ I know him, when I was young I was
confused, I was lost, I had no plan- you’re not your father your me
and I’m not good enough for my little girl.” Ouch.
Cece is preparing for her
wedding to Shivrang but will she go through with it? I say bring back
the Cece/Schmidt relationship. It’s just plain awkward between Cece
and Shivrang, they barely know each other.
The worst part is the
whole time that all this drama is occurring they have forgotten about
Winston’s birthday.
Watch New
Girl next week to find out whether Cece goes
through with the wedding and Taylor Swift is set to guest star.
Review by Jessica Tisdell
This episode is all about
the women. Strong women, sexy women, evil women and mad women.
Katarina Sforza is back
on the scene after an episode of absence and is still building a
union of key Italian power families with her narcissistic self at the
helm. Lucrezia is heartbroken as she gives up her illegitimate baby
who is to be brought up by her parents out of the public eye as per
her marriage negotiations. As she leaves with a heavy, weeping heart
to set up her marital home in Naples Michelleto, the Borgia’s
faithful guard stays by her side. The Pope however barely notices
her sadness and shows no empathy as she leaves her baby behind for a
new life without her beloved son. The faithful Michelleto seems to
be the only one to listen to Lucrezia’s woes and who understands
her pain and want for revenge.
The pre-occupied Pope
rather than be a good father and grandfather, seems more interested
in sleeping with other noblemen’s wives. However the latest
seductive conquest may be one of the most beautiful to ever visit the
Vatican, but is also the most unhinged. Has Pope Alexander bitten
off more than he can chew?
arrives in Avignon, France in search of another woman (as if The
Borgia’s don’t have their hands full enough). He needs to find a
wife to strengthen the Borgia dynasty and also to hopefully snuff
out the fires of passion that burn deep for his little sister.
Whilst surrounded by strong, beautiful French ladies-in-waiting he is
also there to work on powerful negotiations with France, which could
take the Borgia household to new heights of control, power and
Review by JoAnn Duff
There was a lot of hype
surround this episode as not only did it herald the return of one the
Doctor’s most popular foes but it was penned by Neil Gaiman (who
previously wrote the praised “The Doctor’s Wife”). The problem
with hype is that it rarely lives up to the expectation. While
“Nightmare in Silver” is not as good as “The Doctor’s Wife”
it still manages to be one of the most entertaining episodes this
The Doctor takes the
children Clara nanny’s for, Angie and Artie, to Hedgewick’s World
Of Wonders, a popular theme park, only to find that it has long since
closed down. The only people left are a small military troop, Webley
(Jason Watkins) who runs a sideshow (including several deactivated
Cybermen – remnants from the cyberwars), and a man who calls
himself Porridge (Warwick Davis). They soon discover that the
Cybermen are not as deactivated as they once thought and the park is
currently over run by tiny mechanical bugs, cybermites.
These are not the
Cyberman we know and love, these are the extreme version. It turns
out the only way humans could defeat the Cybermen during the
cyberwars was to destroy an entire galaxy. Angie and Artie are
captured and the cybermites attach to the Doctor planning on
uploading him (and all his knowledge) into their databases but the
Doctor isn’t going to let go easily. He challenges the Cybermen
inside his mind to a game of Chess. Meanwhile Clara is hanging out
with the local military troop, whose mission was technically to
search for the missing lecture but in the reality they are a
punishment troop for the army’s failures.
The Doctor fights the
Cybermen in a game of wits, Clara fights a trigger-happy platoon
Captain who wants to blow up the planet and it turns out Porridge is
actually the missing emperor. Ultimately the Doctor wins the battle,
the children are saved, the planet gets destroyed taking the Cybermen
along with it (after they escape of course) and the emperor proposed
to Clara, she turns him down.
This episode was a little
confusing at times but there was a lot to love starting with the fact
that Gaiman has managed to make the well-loved but let’s face it,
kind of laughable, Cybermen threatening again. Porridge’s
plot-twist identity was fairly easy to guess but guest star Warwick
Davis makes the predicable role incredibly likeable. The rest of the
guest-cast are unmemorable but it’s over shadowed by a brilliant
performance from Matt Smith.
Matt Smith spend much of
the episode acting against himself, which is rather more interesting
than when he’s acting against Jenna-Louise Coleman, and it’s
amazing to watch. In fact every time the story left the Doctor’s
inner battle to focus Clara’s military role I found myself getting
increasingly frustrated. Had this episode focused solely on Smith’s
performance it could have been fantastic but as is it felt rushed at
times and loses some of it’s impact.
Next week it’s time to
ask the question that must never be answered… also the conclusion
to the mystery of Clara and the return of the always-wonderful River
Song (Alex Kingston).
Review by Yvonne
More of Yvonne’s work
can be found at her
Love is in the air in this weeks episode of The Big Bang Theory, ‘The Love Spell Potential’, as two couples take their relationship to the next level!
After an incident at the airport stops Amy, Bernadette and Penny going to Las Vegas, they end up playing ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ with Howard, Leonard and Sheldon. Although reluctant at first, the girls get into the game (aided by Howard’s celebrity impressions as the dungeon master). Things all seem to be going well until Bernadette casts a love spell on Amy and Sheldon. The others start mocking Amy and Sheldon, and their (lack of a) sexual relationship. Amy gets upset and hides in Sheldon’s room.
Amy doesn’t like that the others think their relationship is a joke, but Sheldon does not think it is. He tells her that although they may not be as intimate as other couples, “for me, what we have, is extremely intimate”. Sheldon goes on to say that although he is not ready for more intimacy at this stage, he has not “ruled it out” for the future. Sheldon decides to go along with the D&D love spell scenario as evidence of this, which quickly cheers Amy up.
This scene was so very sweet, and so true to Sheldon’s character. They may not be progressing in their relationship as fast as Amy would hope, but they are progressing. Although Amy may struggle with this at times, she does understand Sheldon and is willing to wait for him to be ready. More importantly, despite what Sheldon says sometimes, he does indeed care for Amy, he is just scared of increasing their intimacy. I have been on the fence for a while about the whole Shamy situation, but this scene has convinced me that it might just/should work after all.
Meanwhile Raj and Lucy go on another date and she confesses she is trying to push herself into more situations she feels uncomfortable with, such as telling her hairdresser she doesn’t like her bangs or sending food back in a restaurant. When their meal comes, Lucy thinks her crab-cakes taste “funky”, and decides she just won’t eat them. Raj thinks this is a good opportunity for Lucy to send food back, but she refuses. He keeps pressuring her, and she eventually excuses herself to go to the bathroom and sneaks out the window like she did on their first date.
Unfortunately, Lucy becomes trapped at the back of the restaurant which is surrounded by a fence and padlocked gate. She calls Raj who is annoyed with her for bailing on another of their dates. Lucy says she is scared and does not like Raj pushing her. Raj confesses he is scared too, but that is because he likes Lucy a lot. Lucy is shocked, but Raj convinces her of his feelings... and they have their first kiss! Sure it was through a fence, but their relationship is moving forward and I am glad it all seems to be going so well. Of course this is TV-land, where no couple seems to be able to function for more than a few episodes at a time without any relationship drama to keep us watching, so I wonder what, if anything, TBBT has in store for Raj and Lucy... It is the season finale next week after all, so we will all just have to tune in and see what happens!
Review by Heather Bale.
This season has been a rough one for our beloved Smash, and I say "our" because I now truly believe that this show belongs to the fans more than any other show that is airing right now. We have had our beloved show moved from primetime mid week, to Friday, and now to the dreaded Saturday night burn off slot. It is very surprising that this has happened, what with a show that is produced by Steven Speilberg and stars some great actors like Debra Messing, Anjelica Houston combining with the star power of Katherine McPhee, Jennifer Hudson and Bernadette Peters.
We have endured a lot as fans, but through it all the show has continued to produce quality storylines with a stellar soundtrack and show stopping performances that will (IMO) go down in TV history as some of my favourite moments of 2012-13.
This weeks episode just brought that standard to an all new level, for those that have not seen the latest episode I implore that you stop reading now, watch it, and then come back.
For those of us that have, you would already know by now that after Kyle was hit by a car in the final seconds of last weeks episode, this was his last scene for Smash as the accident took his life. First of all you are going to think I am extremely naive as I did not see this coming and I loved this. Kyle was built up to be such an inspiring and loveable character after the events with the show, he was always the shining light that pushed Hit List to the stage and kept Jimmy going and pushed him to be a better person and performer.
The beginnings of a relationship with Tom was hopeful and writing relationship with Julia really was setting him in place to be a contender for a Broadway legend (in the show) This episode was jam packed with extra scenes of Kyle with the main characters in the show, and was a great insight into what happened and how he impacted the people around him. One of the most touching was when he was serenaded by Tom, I must admit that my allergies kicked in and I had to have a cup of tea and a lie down, but nothing could compare to the icy and stubborn character of Derick, played by the incomprehensible Jack Davenport, who admitted his love and loss of this character who had helped him so much.
The final icing on the cake was the performance by Jimmy breaking down and all the characters realising how much he would be missed and lit a fire under getting Hit List to Broadway. While we were all expecting Eileen Rand to do this, it was a complete and gratifying shock when her ex Jerry swept in early and bagged the role as producer.
This was the most highly charged and emotional of Smash to date and the way it dealt with the tragedy of the situation was fantastic. I can not recommend this show enough, if you need to catch up you can buy the first season via the links below.

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