Animation Fixation #1


Green Lantern : The Animated Series
S01 E14

This is the second story arc of season 1 and it does not disappoint! Starting on Earth Hal reunites with Carol to find that he has been replaced in his job at Ferris Air and his relationship with Carol is in rocky territory due to his absence.

Seeing a distress report on the news Hal travels to the city to help when he discovers that he is not the only Green Lantern in town. Guy Gardner, the cocky, egotistical character has taken over while Hal was away and earned quite a few fans along the way.

A hilarious scene of Hal and Guy literally fighting it out across the planet to see who gets patrol of Earth, sees them uncover a hidden cave that is protected by dormant ManHunters.

After defeating the ManHunters who want to destroy every living thing on the planet the two Lanterns agree that they must fight with each other to save the planet.

It was a very entertaining and action packed episode, showcasing just how great the Green Lantern characters are when they are done right.

Guy Gardner is a hilarious addition to the show and I hope we get to see more of him as the season moves on.

Young Justice - Invasion
S02 E08

The season resumes with Red Arrow waking up in hospital discovering the Lex Luthor has kept him frozen at LexCorp and a clone has been made of him while he was missing. The other characters are coming to terms with the loss of Aqualad and Hermes and trying to figure out a way to move on.

This show hardly feels like it is aimed towards a younger market, with a plethora of adult content in relation to dark storylines of death and separation, this show is standing out as one of the best "Justice League" shows made to date.

The story and action are all set in different parts of the world and the story arc moves flawlessly between them all.

Young Justice is definitely a show to keep watching!


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